Gambling is the risking something of worth for the purpose of winning something else with an uncertain future outcome. Gambling therefore requires three components for it to occur: risk, consideration, and a reward. The risk factor refers to what the player is putting up with in place of a reward. Consideration is what the player expects to receive as a reward for his/her gamble. And finally, the reward is what the player expects to get from his/her gambling efforts.
Most people gamble for two reasons: entertainment and for financial gains. However, most people rarely consider the long-term consequences of their gambling. The more one considers the consequences, the more likely he/she will be to avoid gambling in the first place. But the long-term negative impact of gambling are more than just the financial losses and mental anguish that the person can experience. Long-term gambling has also been associated with some cancers, alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, occupational injuries, bankruptcy, prostitution, and violence. These are just the short-term negative effects that gambling has on its victims; however, the long-term negative impacts may be more devastating to the gambler.
One of the more common and potent forms of gambling addiction is addiction to card games like poker or blackjack. This form of gambling addiction is a lot like many other addictions, wherein the individual gambles for a solution to a psychological or emotional problem. For instance, if you are suffering from anxiety and are afraid to place your money in a bank, you may resort to playing at your local convenience store or gas station until you feel better. The problem with this type of gambling addiction is that it usually requires repeated gaming in order to alleviate these problems.
Another common addiction is to gambling online. While this form of addiction is relatively newer to the world of gambling, it is one of the most popular of all gambling addictions. People who gamble online tend to have an easier time overcoming the mental aspects of addiction because they are more anonymous when they gamble online. However, the consequences for this type of addiction can vary greatly depending on the type of gambling problem that a person may be suffering from. Gambling online can cause a person to suffer from depression, anger, social withdrawal, stress, and anxiety.
Finally, one of the most serious forms of gambling addiction is compulsive gambling disorder. This type of gambling addiction is often incurable, which makes it far more powerful then its counterparts. Individuals who suffer from compulsive gambling disorder often will gamble uncontrollably in places that they feel comfortable gambling in, including their home, car, or even while driving. These people will feel uncomfortable if they are forced to stop gambling, which causes them to continue in an uncontrollable fashion. These individuals may also experience feelings of guilt, remorse, panic attacks, and even depression when they are unable to lose money on their gambling activities.
When trying to determine if you suffer from gambling addiction, it is important to consult a professional. A professional will be able to analyze your situation and help you determine if you are gambling responsibly or if you are a danger to yourself and others. If you feel that you may gamble compulsively, seek help immediately.